Social Media Campaign

Client: Iammama
Project Type: Social Media Promotion Visual Design

For the Iammama project, my role as a graphic designer was to enhance the brand’s online presence by creating visually appealing promotional materials that resonate with their core audience. This project focused on designing a series of graphics tailored for use across various social media platforms, aimed at promoting Iammama’s unique range of Japanese grocery products. Each piece aimed to not only attract but also educate the target audience about the authenticity and the quality of the products offered.

Mood Tone:  The design aesthetic was a harmonious blend of Japanese minimalism and kawaii (cute) style, characterized by clean lines and uncluttered layouts combined with playful elements and soft color palettes. This approach not only celebrates the elegance and simplicity of Japanese culture but also introduces a whimsical, charming angle that appeals to a broad audience. The mood set by these designs is welcoming, informative, and delightful, aimed at attracting discerning customers who value both the authenticity and the joyful presentation of Japanese culinary traditions.